Dr. Nelson B Warthan biography

Dr. Nelson B Warthan - Managing Partner
Warthan Group International, LLC.
Colonel, US Army (ret)

37 year military veteran whose career progressed from enlisted to senior level officer, and whose operations experience encompassed Europe, Southeast Asia, the Orient, the Americas, and the Middle East, and whose specialties ranged from combat arms, (Ar/Cav), Military Intelligence, Electronic Warfare, Operations, and military school instructor. He has commanded and held senior level staff positions worldwide. His highest level security assignment was to Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. He is the recipient of the "Legion Of Merit" in addition to other military awards and decorations. Nelson owns and operates WARTHAN GROUP, INC., a 20 year established Nevada corporation dedicated to engineering and facility operations, training and consulting, (HVAC, air quality, energy efficiency, security and more). http://www.warthangroup.com

Dr. Warthan holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration, with secondary study in Engineering Management (CCU), Masters in Business and Aviation Management (ERAU), and is a graduate of The National Center for Paralegal Training (NCPT) with emphasis in environmental law and litigation.

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